Pet Allergy

Experience the joy of owning a pet without compromising your respiratory health. If you or a loved one suffer from asthma or allergies, finding the perfect balance between enjoying the company of furry friends and maintaining clean indoor air can be daunting. Say hello to a world where you can breathe easier, knowing that the remarkable technology of a PCO air purifier protects your home. Discover the ultimate solution that allows you to embrace the love and companionship of your pets while safeguarding your respiratory well-being.

What is the cause of pet allergy?

Understanding the root causes of pet allergies is essential for effective management and creating a healthier living environment. Our immune system is vital in identifying and eliminating foreign substances, such as viruses and bacteria, from our airways. However, individuals with pet allergies possess over-sensitive immune systems, leading to unusual reactions. While dander, consisting of shed skin cells, is commonly believed to be the main culprit, it’s important to note that these allergies can also be triggered by harmless proteins found in a pet’s urine or saliva. These allergens, whether from dander or proteins, are responsible for provoking the allergic response.

As these allergens accumulate in our homes, thanks to the confined spaces with limited fresh air circulation, they settle on surfaces like furniture upholstery, blankets, and carpets. Unfortunately, they can remain potent for extended periods, retaining their irritating ability. In poorly ventilated spaces, allergen levels may persist at high concentrations for months, clinging to walls, furniture, clothing, and other objects. It’s worth noting that pet hair itself is not an allergen. Still, it can harbor and carry allergenic substances like dander, urine proteins, saliva, and other allergens like dust mites and pollen.

Due to their lightweight nature, pet allergens can readily travel through the air and find their way into homes, even in places where pets have never resided. Additionally, people can inadvertently transfer these allergens to their clothing. Pet allergens tend to become airborne when animals are petted or groomed, and any movement within a pet-allergen-infested space can stir them up again, dispersing them into the air. Routine activities such as dusting, vacuuming, and general cleaning also contribute to their circulation. Once in the air, these microscopic particles can remain suspended for long durations or be transported from room to room as people move around their homes.

Common symptoms of pet allergy?

Pet allergies can manifest in many distressing symptoms, primarily affecting the sensitive membranes lining the eyes and nose. The presence of cat and dog allergens on these membranes often leads to swelling, itching, and inflammation, accompanied by a stuffy nose and irritated eyes.

Even a seemingly harmless scratch or lick from your pet can cause redness and irritation on the skin, especially when the allergens come into direct contact. An all-too-common cause of itchy eyes occurs when you pet an animal and subsequently touch your eyes without washing your hands, unwittingly transferring the allergens. In some instances, mainly when allergen levels are relatively low, or the sensitivity is mild, symptoms may not manifest until several days after contact with the pet.

Breathing difficulties can emerge as a particularly troublesome symptom when airborne particles are small enough to penetrate the lungs. Even brief exposure can trigger severe respiratory issues for those with heightened sensitivity. Coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath are common indicators of such a reaction, and these symptoms may appear within as little as 15 to 30 minutes of inhaling the allergens. Some individuals with extreme sensitivity may also experience an intense rash on their face, neck, and upper chest. It is crucial not to underestimate the impact of asthma, as it can progress into chronic conditions over time. For instance, contact with a cat can trigger severe asthma episodes, also known as asthma attacks, in up to three out of ten individuals with asthma. Moreover, persistent exposure to cat allergens can contribute to the development of chronic asthma.

Managing pet allergies requires vigilance and understanding, as prompt action can help mitigate the risk of severe allergic reactions and the long-term effects on respiratory health.

How to prevent pet allergies?

Introducing the Triad Aer Air Purification Solution, specifically designed to combat pet allergies and create a haven of clean, allergen-free air in your home. We understand pet owners with allergies’ challenges, and we’re here to provide you with an effective and reliable solution. The Triad Aer Air Purifier has cutting-edge technology beyond traditional air purification methods. Powered by photo catalytic oxidation, needlepoint ionization, electrostatic filters and more, our machines are a combination of perfect technology.


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