Main uses
- Shopping
- Travel
- Outside walks
Recommended for
- Allergies and Asthma
- Bronchitis and Sinusitis
- Respiratory Ailments
Removes or repels
- Allergens (Pollens) and Dust
- Odors and Dander Particles
- Micro particles and VOC Gases
Triad Shield Aer is the latest product of Triad Aer which is developed using the latest technology for personal protection. It’s important to stay safe when the circulating air is harmful. As you cannot carry those heavy air purifiers with you all the time, Triad Aer has come up with the newest solution.
You can take the Shield Aer wherever you are going with yourself and keep yourself safe from the harmful air of the surrounding. You can simply wear it around your neck as a necklace or a pendant and fight against the harmful air pollutants. You can also clip the Shield Aer onto your apron or shirt.
Whenever any harmful contaminant will come towards you, the Triad Shield Aer will bounce them off by building a shield around you. It will provide you with enough space of 4 feet where you can breathe the healthy air. The high cleansing capacity of Shield Aer purifies the air for you instantly.
Product Benefits
- Anyone who is more susceptible to the outer allergies and pollutants and is prone to dust, smoke and odors. The Shield Aer will be a great companion to help them fight against the harmful viruses, bacteria or allergens.
- People who are suffering from Asthma or bronchitis are also recommended to buy this Shield Aer air purifier. It will ensure that you are breathing the healthy air every time.
- The shield will also work effectively against any other form of respiratory diseases. So, this shield can be worn by anyone who wants to keep themselves healthy and fit.

Is this product right for me?
- If you want to stay safe whenever and wherever you are going, then you should definitely buy the Triad Shield Aer air purifier.
- It provides you ample space of 4 feet of the purest air to breathe.
- You can wear this shield any time and create a style statement of your own.
- As the Triad Shield Aer air purifier is rechargeable, it doesn’t need heavy maintenance and it’s easy to use also.
Anita (verified owner) –
I bought one as a trial for my son, who has allergies. Within 24 hours he’s been breathing freely, no more stuffy nose!
Heather Martin –
I purchased the room Filter and immediately I could actually feel the difference in mins of it being turned on….I bring it everywhere with me…In my car as I am a Real Estate Agent and always on the road, every room in my house and even when I sleep! You can use it while it’s being charged. I have suffered from all allergies from just about everything you can think off…dust, Dander, Grass, pollen, I sneeze at least 15 to 20 times per day and have been a mouth breather my entire life …, I only sneeze and get congested when I do not have my filter with me! I am ready to purchase the personal Shield Aer now! Thank you so much for this!!! I feel so grateful I found you on the Stew Peters show!
Hapa Jo (verified owner) –
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Shield Aer! When I get my lash extensions done, my eyes are always red the first couple of days. I wore my Shield Aer at my appt today and …… NO RED EYES!!!!! No irritation!!!! My lash texh now wants one!!!!
Jackie (verified owner) –
I purchased this because everyone is getting boosted and now that bi-valent monstrosity where I work. The minute they started I started having issues more so than with the old shots. I used my mini aer for the first time today and I didn’t come home with body aches, fatigue and feeling overall miserable. Love this product
Phillippine Addington (verified owner) –
I wear the Shied Aer when I go out anywhere. It helps me when I’m around people that wear a lot of perfume. The smell makes me sick. With my Shied on it protects me and I don’t get sick. I feel protected from all that’s out there around people and in the air.
Kate C. (verified owner) –
I love this little Sheield Aer. Immediately after charging it and turning it on, I noticed how much different the air around me felt – more pure. Now I keep it near me all day long and when I go to the store, I tie it to my shoulder bag because sometimes I have clothing on that gets in the way so this is a good option. Plus, I feel better at night when I am sleeping with this on and it is so quiet you cannot hear a thing from it.
Marjorie Joanne Telasco (verified owner) –
What can I say?! i wear this ALL the time I am out of my house. Its GREAT!!! I feel so much better than before. Its amazing.